Is Pediatric or Family Dentistry Best for Kids?

You adore your children with a love that can only exist between moms and kids, and dads and kids. You want to choose the best health care for them, including the best dentist. So the question you may ask is, is pediatric (children’s) dentistry as good as family dentistry for your children? What differentiates pediatric […]

Home » Children's Dentistry » Is Pediatric or Family Dentistry Best for Kids?

You adore your children with a love that can only exist between moms and kids, and dads and kids. You want to choose the best health care for them, including the best dentist. So the question you may ask is, is pediatric (children’s) dentistry as good as family dentistry for your children?

What differentiates pediatric from family dentistry?

All dentists, specialists and general dentists alike, graduate from dental school with a DDS or DMD. These designations are the same; one does not involve a different study or philosophy than the other. Each year, dentists must take continuing education, in accordance with their state’s dental board. All dentists must also hold a state dental license to practice dentistry.

After earning a DDS or DMD, dentists who pursue specialties complete a deep, hands-on study in a specific area of dentistry, such as children’s dentistry. We also refer to a children’s dentist a pediatric dentist or a pedodontist.

Do my kids need a specialist?

Let’s put this into perspective. If your general dentist finds that you, as an adult, have a tooth that requires complex root canal therapy, your dentist will refer you to an endodontist. An endodontist is specially trained to perform complex root canals.

If Dr. Glud, your family dentist, finds that your child has a condition that requires a specialist, she will certainly refer you to a trusted, local pedodontist. She wants to serve you and your family to the best of her ability, and when a child would be better served with specialty pediatric dentistry, she will refer you.

However, for six-month exams, cleanings, and routine general dentistry (like cavity prevention, fillings, and crowns), Dr. Glud has the training and experience to serve you and your children well. 

When would Dr. Glud refer my child to a pediatric dentist?

If your little one cannot sit still for an exam, during a cleaning (around age 5), or for a procedure (filling or crown, for instance), he or she may need a pediatric dentist.

If your child has a complex issue that requires special tools or the specialized care of a pediatric dentist, Dr. Glud will refer you.

If your school-aged child needs orthodontic treatment, Dr. Glud will refer you to a respected orthodontist in the area.

How does Dr. Glud cater to kids and parents?

family-photo-2021-editAs a mother of three and a general dentist offering family dentistry, Dr. Glud has a special gift for nurturing, communicating with, and caring for her young patients–and helping parents teach their kids how to maintain healthy mouths for a lifetime of beautiful smiles.

Parents should take their children to see Dr. Glud within six months of seeing the first baby tooth appear. Usually, the first tooth erupts on the lower jaw, front and center. A baby’s dental visit will entail Dr. Glud inspecting the child’s mouth, new tooth, head, neck, and jaws. She will also spend time talking with the parents about how daily oral care and family dentistry are essential for cavity prevention and good oral health.

As a family dentistry practice, we recommend that babies attend a dental visit once a year. Toddlers and preschoolers benefit from six-month checkups. Dr. Glud can apply a safe, topical fluoride to teeth in these young patients. Fluoride attracts calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen tooth enamel to deter cavity formation.

School-aged patients should visit Dental Care of Lombard every six months for both an exam and cleaning, as well as fluoride treatment. Another preventive measure Dr. Glud recommends for children is dental sealants. We apply these clear plastic coatings to molars. They create a barrier against the bacteria that cause cavities. Children often have trouble keeping their back teeth clean, because they’re hard to brush and floss. The combination of fluoride and sealants goes a long way toward cavity prevention. 

Also, whenever a parent notices an abnormality in a child’s oral health, like bleeding gums, white patches inside the mouth or on the tongue, or dark spots on teeth, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Glud. Addressing oral health concerns early allows for minimally invasive treatments, fewer dental visits, less cost, and better long-term oral health.

Dr. Glud also welcomes questions! If you wonder how to get your child to stop sucking her thumb, or if you haven’t yet found a good way to encourage your children to brush twice a day, our team has great insight and tips to share with you. Please ask!

Dr. Glud Loves Kids and Family Dentistry

Convenience and continuity of care are two major benefits of choosing family dentistry for your household. Call Dental Care of Lombard today at 630-629-5700 to schedule appointments for the little smiles closest to your heart!

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