7 Incredible Facts About Teeth Whitening

Is your smile starting to look dull, dingy, or discolored? Professional teeth whitening can help erase the superficial stains that naturally accumulate on teeth over time. In turn, you can restore your smile back to its original brilliance, without sacrificing your oral health or budget. At Dental Care of Lombard, Dr. Julie Glud offers her […]

Home » Cosmetic Dentistry » 7 Incredible Facts About Teeth Whitening

Is your smile starting to look dull, dingy, or discolored? Professional teeth whitening can help erase the superficial stains that naturally accumulate on teeth over time. In turn, you can restore your smile back to its original brilliance, without sacrificing your oral health or budget.

At Dental Care of Lombard, Dr. Julie Glud offers her patients effective aesthetic solutions that can enhance appearances and boost confidence. If you’re ready to explore your cosmetic options, then act now. Schedule your consultation online here or by calling our compassionate team at 630-629-5700.

Not convinced that professional teeth whitening is worth it? Then, follow along to discover seven incredible facts that might change your mind.

1. Professional Teeth Whiteners Are Powerful

On average, store-bought whiteners contain between 2% and 15% of a whitening agent, like hydrogen peroxide. Professional whitening agents, however, contain upwards of 20%. This drastic difference means that you can whiten your teeth better, faster, and more affordably

2. Teeth Whitening Is Safe

It’s a common misconception that all teeth whitening can damage your teeth. However, our dental professionals are expertly trained to safely and comfortably administer whitening treatments following strict guidelines.

Conversely, store-bought whiteners may harm the oral cavity if patients are not closely following the instructions. For example, wearing whitening strips for longer than the recommended time may lead to extreme tooth sensitivity and gum irritation.

3. Dental Cleanings Can Enhance Results

The plaque that builds up on teeth will prevent the whitening agents from fully penetrating tooth enamel. Subsequently, dental professionals recommend a thorough dental checkup and cleaning to amplify the results of teeth-whitening treatments.

4. Teeth and Skin Have A Lot in Common

To the naked eye, teeth appear to have a shiny, smooth surface. But, similar to skin, teeth have thousands of microscopic pores. These pores open during whitening treatments, which allows the brightening agents to effortlessly lift stains from the surface of teeth.  

5. Whitening Toothpaste Might Damage Your Teeth

Store-bought whitening toothpaste contains abrasive materials that buff stains from teeth. However, some whitening toothpaste brands are more abrasive than others. This may lead to damaged tooth enamel and, subsequently, tooth sensitivity and dental decay.

It is for this reason that dentists advocate for professional teeth whitening. Otherwise, you may encounter the unexpected consequences of using store-bought whiteners. 

6. Tooth Sensitivity is Normal and Temporary

Many patients experience mild tooth sensitivity after a professional teeth-whitening treatment. This is completely normal, and it should only last for a few days following the procedure. If the sensation is causing you discomfort, then over-the-counter pain medications may be used to lessen the effects.

7. Professional Whitening Lasts Longer Than Store-Bought Whiteners

Generally, store-bought whiteners deliver results that patients can expect to enjoy for four months. However, professional teeth-whitening treatments may last up to three years with proper oral hygiene.

Ask Us About Teeth Whitening in Lombard, IL

If you’re ready to brighten your smile and restore your confidence, then it’s time to pursue professional teeth whitening. Dr. Julie Glud and her talented team are ready to help you look and feel your best. So, don’t delay–schedule your appointment now by booking it online here or by calling our Lombard, IL, dental office at 630-629-5700.

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